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We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services, and to tailor advertising. In a rapid succession of events the explosion of the disease was balanced out by an impressive series of new international activities and technological advances, such as the rapid introduction of effective vaccines and new therapeutic and rehabilitation techniques.
A potential confounding relationship between socioeconomic and migrant status has been identified in explaining health disparities 38 and migration-related health inequalities are found to be reduced after adjustment for social class 30. This effect is observed also in our study, but only for the better educated migrant women who tend to have results similar to Italians, possibly in part due to the foreigners from developed countries.

Immediately after its creation, the World Health Organization established a commission of experts on polio, which played a fundamental role in coordinating the activities at national Badante and international levels, spreading the new discoveries and techniques, and increasing knowledge of the disease, its epidemiology, the therapeutic and the post-disease treatments.
However, previous research on maternal care for migrant women in Italy showed a generally worse pattern for all foreigners compared with Italian women, with little variability among the selected antenatal indicators 23. Also, this study could have overestimated the differences between groups of foreign women considering that most of those who come from developed countries are likely to belong to the more advantaged groups (high educated, employed) and to share the same behaviour of the Italians of the same social class.

Marta is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome Her research concerns Philosophy of Science in Practice and Philosophy of Biology with a specific focus on the dynamics of complex systems, cancer research and on the philosophical implications of the theoretical models that have been proposed to account for its occurrence.
Associate Professor at the faculty of Medicine and Psicology of the University Sapienza” in Rome, Editor of Rivista di Psicologia Clinica (Journal of Clinical Psychology) and of Quaderni della Rivista di Psicologia Clinica (Cahiers of the Journal of Clinical Psychology ), Member of the Scientific and Teaching board of the Specializing Course in Psychoanalytic Psychoterapy - Psychological Clinical Intervention and Analysis of Demand.
Around 6 million people are covered by some form of voluntary health insurance (VHI), which generally covers services excluded under the LEA, offering a higher standard of comfort and privacy in hospital facilities and wider choice among public and private providers.

In Italy, the literature does not monitor the palliative care treatments administered by the health facilities to patients in term of access and patients' preferences, essentially due to a lack of official data, especially in the outpatient and community settings.
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